
The Electric Mobility Code (Regulamento da Mobilidade Elétrica – RME) applies to the electric mobility activities regulated by ERSE, covering the entire national territory.

RME governs the following main issues:

  • Rules on relations between players of the electric mobility sector
  • Regulatory model applicable to the Electric Mobility Network Managing Body (Entidade Gestora da Rede de Mobilidade Elétrica – EGME), including the methodology for the definition of allowed revenues
  • Metering and data handling concerning EV charging data and consumption data
  • Allowed revenues and regulated tariffs
  • Quality of service
  • Market prices oversight
  • Transparency obligations

The main addressees of the RME are:

  • EGME, as the responsible for managing energy, commercial and financial data flows
  • Charging point operators (Operadores de Pontos de Carregamento – OPC), as entities responsible for the installation, access, operation, maintenance of charging points and other related services, and by exchanging information regarding their charging points
  • Suppliers for electric mobility (Comercializadores de Eletricidade para a Mobilidade Elétrica – CEME), as users of EV charging data for billing purposes
  • Network operators, as parties responsible by the supply, installation, maintenance and reading of the electricity meters at the border with the electricity sector and by consumption data handling
  • Electric vehicle users (Utilizadores de Veículos Elétricos – UVE), as users of the electric mobility network
  • Charging point owners (Detentores de Pontos de Carregamento – DPC), as the owners of charging points located in private spaces with private access

The RME was approved by Code no. 854/2019, of November 4, and revised by Code no. 103/2021, of February 1, and Code no. 785/2021, of August 23. You can find the consolidated version here.

ERSE define the Electric Mobility Network Managing Entity (EGME) tariffs. More information in the portal’s tariffs area.

Access the explanatory note on:

Access the Electric Mobility area (available in Portuguese only) in the Energy Consumers’ section (available in Portuguese only) for more information on the electric mobility sector and activities.



The RME allows the development of pilot-projects. These projects should consider the following:

  • They shall be submitted to ERSE
  • They shall identify the provisions of RME that require derogation for the development of the project
  • They must be approved by ERSE
  • They must be monitored by ERSE and the results are of mandatory public disclosure

Pilot-projects aim to facilitate the development of innovative projects for which the rules are not always adjusted, which is especially relevant in a new sector and developing sector such as electric mobility.

The list for approved pilot-projects is available here.


Working Groups

RME allows ERSE to create working groups that contribute to deepen the regulation and to follow up on the technical nature of subjects regarding electric mobility, given its innovative nature and technological dynamism.

The working groups currently functioning are:

Other legal instruments


  • Directive no. 7/2022, of February 28 – procedures for reporting to ERSE the prices of commercial offers and average prices billed in the electric mobility network
    • Norm ME 1/2022 – Information to send by the electricity suppliers for electric mobility (CEME) regarding commercial offers available for EV users (UVE) (and excel template to be filled in)
    • Norm ME 2/2022 – Average prices billed to EV users (UVE) by the electricity suppliers for electric mobility (and excel template to be filled in)
    • Norm ME 3/2022 – Information to disclose by the electric mobility management entity (EGME) regarding prices of operators of charging point (OPC) integrated in the electric mobility network (and excel template to be filled in)
  • Directive no. 8/2020, of May 28, approves the General Conditions of the Contract for Adhesion to Electric Mobility Network and the calculation method for the bank guarantees to present to the electric mobility management entity (EGME)

Complementary rules of the activity of Management of Operations in the Electric Mobility Network, approved by the ERSE Administration Board, in the terms of Instruction no. 1/2023, of February 8, for regulatory information report defined in the Eletric Mobility Code:

These are Excel files to be filled by Mobi.E (EGME) with financial, accounting and operational information, used to define the allowed revenues and tariffs.

To know more about electric mobility, see the electric mobility management entity (EGME) website – Mobi.E.