Organisational chart
GGI - Internal Management Office
It is incumbent on the Internal Management Office to design and implement an internal control system that fosters a culture of compliance and risk management involving all employees and to monitor the implementation of strategic plans and reports and other activities across the various organisational units, monitoring compliance therewith.
CIRI - Communication, Image and Press Relations Office
The role of the Communication, Image and Press Relations Office is to design strategies and tools for internal and external institutional communication; to prepare and distribute press packs, press releases and news, managing contacts with the media, the editing the contents of the external portal and social media publications.
GCOMB – Fuels Office
It is incumbent on the Fuels Office to develop methodologies for supervising and monitoring the markets for petroleum-derived fuels, liquefied petroleum gas and biofuels; to analyse the level of competition in these sectors’ wholesale and retail markets and the performance of agents; to disclose information on market operation; to draft and approve the necessary regulations for the organisation and functioning of the markets for oil derivatives and biofuels; to monitor the implementation of regulations in force; to prepare opinions on licensing procedures for infrastructures of the National Petroleum System; to develop several studies and opinions to support energy policy decisions within the scope of the SPN.
IDEP - Office for Innovation and Special Projects Development
It falls to the Office for Innovation and Special Projects Development to contribute to the active representation of ERSE in bodies, associations, conferences, forums, projects and think tanks, to reinforce internal teams by strengthening the training for innovation, to encourage national debate around the themes of energy and innovation in regulated sectors, boosting academic knowledge towards energy regulation and attracting new participants in the debate on the future of energy.
GRI - International Relations Office
The International Relations Office is responsible for coordinating European and international activities, as well as for providing technical support to the Board of Directors and ERSE services, as regards strategic positions, European and international decisions, meetings and activities.
DPO - Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer is specifically entrusted with the following tasks: to provide information and to advise the controller or the processor, as well as employees who carry out the processing of personal data; to monitor compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); to cooperate with the supervisory authority; to act as the contact point for the supervisory authority on issues related to processing, including prior consultation. The list of the DPO’s tasks is set out in article 39 of the GDPR and in article 11 of Law No 58/2019 of 8 August.
DGR - Directorate-General for Regulation
The Directorate-General for Regulation is in charge of coordinating the drafting of strategic plans and reports, carrying out transversal activities, continuously analysing the effectiveness of regulation, monitoring the statistical and aggregate handling of regulatory information and supporting the Board of Directors and the institutional representation of ERSE.
DCE - Directorate for Energy Consumers
The Directorate for Energy Consumers is responsible for designing commercial service quality indicators, satisfaction surveys and information or training measures for energy consumers; for analysing contracts proposed by suppliers to customers, complaints and enquiries from energy consumers, legislative and regulatory measures for protection and tools required to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of energy consumers; for monitoring compliance with commercial service quality indicators and technical support for handling complaints and enquiries from energy consumers.
ACE – Energy Consumer Support
It is incumbent on ACE to foster the provision of information, clarification and training of consumers, thus protecting their rights and interests.
DFE - Financial and Economic Directorate
The Financial and Economic Directorate is in charge of designing models for calculating the allowed revenues of regulated activities, defining the adjustments in respect of previous years, the reference costs and parameters associated to allowed revenues; of analysing the evolution and the economic and financial performance of regulated activities; of monitoring the performance and economic sustainability of regulated sectors and companies, the economic and financial flows associated to fees, taxes or social support and investments and assets.
DIR - Infrastructures and Networks Directorate
The Infrastructures and Networks Directorate is responsible for designing methodologies for defining interconnection and infrastructure capacities, capacity allocation and congestion management mechanisms, access rules and transparency duties on network and infrastructure operators, and technical rules for measuring, reading, processing and providing energy data. It is also responsible for analysing the operation, monitoring security of supply, coordinating infrastructure unavailability, proposing investment plans for networks and infrastructures, technical aspects of quality of service, the evolution of the use and management of networks in the context of innovation and decarbonisation. It is further charged with monitoring the technical quality of service of regulated networks and infrastructures, the technical coordination between operators of interconnected networks and their interoperability, network and infrastructure investment projects and compliance with national and European network development plans.
DMC - Markets and Competition Directorate
The Markets and Competition Directorate is responsible for designing supervision mechanisms and monitoring the wholesale and retail energy markets as well as CO2 emission permits and green certificates markets, defining criteria and methodologies for supplier-switching and energy labelling; for analysing the level of competition in the wholesale and retail energy markets, the performance of agents and liberalisation processes, developments in the renewable energy sectors and green certificates markets; monitoring the implementation of regulatory provisions on supplier-switching and developments in the structure of supply and demand.
DSJ - Legal Services Directorate
The Legal Services Directorate is responsible for providing legal support to the drafting, organisation, systematisation and standardisation of regulations, to the administrative activity and to internal procedures, for exercising penalty powers as well as the mandate and representation in court within the scope of the proceedings to which ERSE is a party; for monitoring certification and conformity and for performing the role of legal compliance.
DTPE - Directorate for Tariffs, Pricing and Energy Efficiency
It is incumbent on the Directorate for Tariffs, Pricing and Energy Efficiency to design tariff calculation methodologies and models for tariffs of regulated activities, for prices of connections and services provided by networks and infrastructures and for marginal and incremental costs; to define tariff structures and options, billing variables and the respective reading and measuring rules, payment flows and regulatory incentives to encourage energy efficiency; to analyse regulation mechanisms and forecast models for tariff and price evolution; to monitor prices by applying the principle of tariff additivity and the appropriateness in time of regulated tariffs.
DAG - General Administration Directorate
The General Administration Directorate is entrusted with drawing up and keeping up to date the accounting, assets, budget and human resources data, the performance indicators, the internal regulations related to the financial function, management of human resources, procurement and logistics, and information security policies; with preparing the annual budget and the management account; with ensuring and controlling the human resources recruitment and selection processes and with organising, managing and keeping up to date the individual files of employees, the procedures for procuring equipment, services and supplies, computer applications and systems, the supply of goods and the economic management of inventories, payments and receipts, as well as compliance with fiscal and parafiscal obligations.