
Piped Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) enjoys, under Law No 23/96 of 26 July, the status of an essential public service, whereby a set of mechanisms to protect the consumer are established.

On the other hand, Decree-Law No 31/2006, of 15 February, which establishes the general framework for the organisation and operation of the National Petroleum System, as amended by Decree-Law No 244/2015, of 19 October, and Decree-Law No 69/2018, of 27 August, enhances the obligations of stakeholders involved in the supply and marketing of piped LPG as a public service.

The Commercial Relations Regulation (RRC) addresses ERSE’s regulatory powers in the piped LPG sector, namely regarding the commercial relations applicable between the agents involved in the supply of piped LPG and their customers.

The approved regulation thus focuses on the definition of standard rules to be applied to the LPG sector such as:

  • supply contracts (contracting, information obligations and contractual amendments),
  • the content and periodicity of the bill (amount due, deadlines and means of payment),
  • gas reading and measurement,
  • the establishment of (physical) connections to networks,
  • supply interruptions and restoration,
  • how to complain and settle consumer disputes.

ERSE carried out Public Consultation No 97  and approved Regulation No 1086/2022, of 21 December.