Tariff Council

The Tariff Council is a specific forum for consultation on tasks assigned to ERSE in the scope of tariffs and prices. It is incumbent on the Tariff Council to deliver (non-binding) opinions on the approval and review of tariffs regulations, as well as on the establishment of tariffs and prices.

It is a collegiate body, composed by the members provided for in article 46 of ERSE’s Statutes, appointed in accordance with the rules established in Regulation 628/2019, of 9 August, for a renewable three-year term of office.

The plenary and sections of the Tariff Council (electricity section and natural gas section) are chaired by a person of recognized standing and independence appointed by the member of the government responsible for energy.



Mandate 2022/2025 Plenary Electricity Section  Natural Gas Section

Person of recognized standing and independence appointed by the member of the government member 
responsible for energy

 Maria Manuela Pires Nunes Coelho Moniz

Person of recognized standing and independence appointed by the member of the Government in charge of the environment area

Ana Vasconcelos

Representative of Associação Nacional de Municípios Portugueses (the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities)

Luís Miguel Vasconcelos


Three Representatives of general interest consumer associations - section of the electric sector


João Fernandes - DECO


Célia Marques - UGC


Eduardo Quinta Nova - UGC


Three Representatives of general interest consumer associations - section of the natural gas sector

Ingride Pereira - DECO


Eduardo Quinta Nova - UGC


Luís Pisco -



Representative of Direção-Geral do Consumidor (the Consumer Directorate)

Patrícia Carolino
Representative of the concessionary of Rede Nacional de Transporte de Eletricidade - the national electricity transmission grid (REN) Paula Almeida  
Representative of companies holding concession contracts for the reception, storage and regasification of LNG (REN Atlântico)  

Representative of the concessionary of Rede Nacional de Distribuição de eletricidade - the national electricity distribution grid (E-Redes) 

Rui Miguel Gonçalves  
Representative of companies holding concession contracts for the distribution of low-voltage electricity (CEVE) Joaquim Teixeira  
Representative of the electricity last resort supplier who operates in that capacity throughout the mainland (SU  ELETRICIDADE)  Sandra Ferreira  
Representative of electricity suppliers subject to free trade 

Ricardo Ferrão (Endesa) 1º and 3º years

Jorge Lúcio (Petrogal) 2º year


Representative of associations whose members are consumers of medium-voltage, high-voltage and extra high voltage electricity (Siderurgia Nacional) 

João Marinho    
Representative of the concessionary of Rede Nacional de Transporte de Gás Natural - the national natural gas transmission network (REN)


Ana Cristina Silva



Representative of companies holding concession contracts for the storage of natural gas (GDP - Gas of Portugal)


Jorge Lúcio



Representative of wholesale natural gas last resort suppliers (Transgás)

Representative of companies holding concession contracts for the distribution of natural gas at regional level (Lisboagás)


José Rodrigues Vieira


Representative of bodies licensed for the distribution of natural gas as a public service (Sonorgás) Eduardo Viana  
Representative of retail natural gas last resort suppliers (EDP Gás SU) Ana Teixeira Pinto  

Representative of natural gas suppliers subject to free trade 

Gonçalo Santos (EDPC) - 1º year

Ricardo Ferrão (Endesa) - 2º and 3º years

Representative of associations whose members are natural gas consumers consuming more than 10 000 m3 per year (APQuímica) Teresa Marques  

Representative of small electricity suppliers  

Bruno Pais (Luzboa)


Representative of small natural gas suppliers 

Carlos Moreno (Usenergy)

Representative of electricity sector companies of the Autonomous Region of Azores (EDA) Fernando Ferreira  
Representative of electricity sector companies of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (EEM) Rui Vieira        

Representative of consumers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira 

Mário Reis - ACRA            

Representative of consumers of the Autonomous Region of Azores

Vinay Pranjivan  - DECO              
Representative of consumers as in article 46, paragraph 5 of ERSE’s Statutes 

Ana Sofia Ferreira - DECO


José Vinagre - UGC


Carlos Almeida - UGC


Ingride Pereira - DECO


Carlos Silva - AIMMAP


Célia Marques - UGC


Paulo Pires - APICER


Frederico Pisco - CELPA


Paulo Rosa - CIP


José Maurício - UGC