Social tariffs

In Portugal, around 75% of household gas consumption is met through the supply of bottled liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The number of economically vulnerable families using bottled LPG tends to be close to the number of families eligible for the social electricity tariff.

As a protective measure for economically vulnerable end customers, Law No 114/2017, of 29 December, which approved the State Budget for 2018, created the social tariff for bottled LPG, which was subsequently regulated by Administrative Rule No 240/2018, of 29 August, as amended by Administrative Rule No 167/2019, of 29 May.

The social tariff refers to the conditions and pricing scheme applicable to the purchase of bottled LPG, by eligible beneficiaries, in locations to be defined by the municipalities participating in a pilot project. The social price is set by the Government, and the pilot project is open to all operators with their own brand, operating in the domestic market, who voluntarily express their intention to participate.