ERSE publishes Technical Quality of Service Report for the gas sector - 2022


ERSE – Energy Services Regulatory Authority released the Technical Quality of Service Report for the gas sector for 2022, which provides a characterization and global assessment of the sector’s quality of service, having concluded that there was a good performance by the companies in complying with technical quality of service indicators.

Taking into account the Quality of Service Code, ERSE publishes annually information on continuity of supply and characterisation of supply provided by several infrastructure operators, namely the transmission network, the distribution networks and the LNG terminal.

In 2022, as in the previous year, there were no interruptions in the gas transmission network. In the distribution networks, there was a reduction of around 35% in the number of customers interrupted compared with 2021, and the distribution network operators complied with all the general standards relating to the various indicators.

In order to promote society's knowledge and active participation in the regulation of the energy sector and to widen access to the information produced by ERSE, an ERSExplica brochure is published together with the report, which summarises some of the main indicators of the technical quality of service.

ERSE also publishes a dashboard showing the evolution of the main continuity of supply indicators of the infrastructure operators (LNG terminal, national gas transmission network operator and distribution network operators), as well as the evolution of the main gas characteristics of the transmission network.

Access the Technical Quality of Service Report for the Gas Sector - 2022

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