ERSE re-appointed as Chair of ACER and CEER Gas Working Groups


Pedro Verdelho, the Chairman of ERSE - the Energy Services Regulatory Authority, has been reappointed as Chairman of the Gas Working Groups (GWG) of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) for a further two-year term.

This is ERSE’s third term of office leading these two prominent forums for cooperation between Europe’s national energy regulators, which aim to protect consumer interests and facilitate the creation of a single, competitive and sustainable internal market for gas and electricity in Europe.

ACER is a specialised European Union agency set up in 2009 to support the work of the 27 national regulators and promote coordination and cooperation between them.Its main activities include mediating between regulators, publishing rules to ensure good regulatory practice at European level, and issuing opinions, recommendations or binding decisions on matters within its competence. It also monitors the performance and development of European energy markets and oversees the transparency and integrity of the wholesale energy market through REMIT.

On the other hand, the CEER is a Belgian non-profit organisation, founded in 2000, which brings together regulators from 39 European countries with the following objectives: to develop the energy market for the benefit of consumers; to act as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between regulators; to promote solutions to problems common to all the countries involved and requiring coordinated action; and to promote a vision of energy regulation that guarantees the provision of a quality public service to all consumers.