ERSE publishes the Electricity Sector Technical Quality of Service Report for 2021


ERSE - the Energy Services Regulatory Authority - has published the Electricity Sector Technical Quality of Service Report for 2021, which characterises the quality of service and assesses the performance of electricity grid operators under the Quality of Service Regulation.

The technical quality of service is influenced by the different actors in the value chain of the electricity system, i.e. generation centres, grid operators and customers, as well as by external factors affecting generation facilities and distribution infrastructure, including extreme weather events. In this report, technical quality of service is assessed in terms of the quality perceived by customers and the performance of the different grid operators.

In 2021, all general service continuity standards were met by the different grid operators, such as REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, E-Redes, EDA - Electricidade dos Açores, EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira and the ten low-voltage-only distribution grid operators operating in mainland Portugal.

In the case of the National Transmission Grid, the general indicators of service continuity reflect its continued good performance, demonstrating the high level of reliability of this grid.

In mainland Portugal, E-Redes presents a distribution grid performance in line with that of 2020.

In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, there is a deterioration in the general service continuity indicators in 2021 compared to the previous year, with the increase in accidental generation and grid interruptions contributing to this deterioration.

The Autonomous Region of Madeira also experienced a deterioration in the values of the service continuity indicators in 2021. Interruptions due to exceptional events on 27 and 28 March 2021 on the island of Madeira contributed to this deterioration.

In order to promote the knowledge and the active participation of society in the regulation of the energy sector and to widen access to the information produced by ERSE, a booklet - ERSExplica - summarising some of the main indicators of the technical quality of service has been published together with the Electricity Sector Technical Quality of Service Report.

ERSE thus aims to provide a citizen-friendly summary of its main reports and regulations in order to make its activities accessible to a wide range of recipients and to contribute to greater energy consumer literacy.

Click here to view the Electricity Sector Technical Quality of Service Report for 2021

Click here to view the ERSExplica Booklet - Electricity Sector Technical Quality of Service Report for 2021