ERSE launches a public consultation on the draft National Ten-Year Development and Investment Plan
ERSE - the Energy Services Regulatory Authority launches a public consultation on the draft National Ten-Year Development and Investment Plan for the Electricity Transmission Network for the period 2025-2034 (PDIRT-E 2024), drawn up by the National Transmission System Operator (TSO).
The overall amount to be invested in the ten-year period 2025-2034 under the draft PDIRT-E 2024 (TYNDP), is 1,691.5 million euros.
Under the articles 125.º and 126.º of Decree-Law 15/2022, of 14 January, which establishes the procedures for the revision, amendment and updating of the PDIRT-E, the TSO shall review the Plan every ten years, submitting the respective draft to the DGEG and ERSE.
The current draft PDIRT-E 2024 (TYNDP) under public consultation is the first Plan to be submitted upon the adoption of the aforementioned Decree-Law 15/2022, with these Public Network Development Plans being granted the nature of a sectoral program, within the legal framework of the Territorial Management Instruments.
Upon the conclusion of the public consultation and taking into consideration the contributions received, ERSE will issue an Opinion to the draft PDIRT-E 2024 (TYNDP), which may include amendments requests to the PDIRT-E 2024 draft submitted by the TSO. The final draft Plan shall be approved by a Resolution of the Council of Ministers.
The public consultation is open for contributions until 17 February 2025.