ERSE launches a public consultation on a proposal about the Manual of Procedures of the Global Management of the electrical System


ERSE – the Energy Services Regulatory Authority launched today a public consultation aiming to change the Manual of Procedures of the Global Management of the electrical System (MPGGS) in order to implement the markets for frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation (aFRR) and new tools for the management of the system, in the frame of the Network Operation Code (ROR).

The regulatory changes contribute to the implementation of the European market design for ancillary services, following the electricity balancing guidelines [Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of the Commission, of 23 November 2017, “EB Guidelines”]. The implementation of aFRR markets includes the integration of PICASSO, the European platform for exchanging aFRR balancing energy between European transmission system operators, to foster the efficiency of balancing costs.

This step is relevant for the harmonization of ancillary services’ markets and their national platforms within the National Electrical System (SEN) with European standards. It is implemented following the successful integration with TERRE European platform (in 2020), concerning the replacement reserves’ market, and with MARI platform (in 28 November 2024), concerning the market for frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (mFRR).

The proposal for the revision of MPGGS also includes new tools for system management, established in ROR, approved by Regulation n. 816/2023, of 27 July, to better cope with the energy transition consequences.

System management must adapt to a more renewable power system, smaller scale active assets, more dispersed and with different levels of technical skills. Network users should be incentivised to actively engage in this activity, directly or through third-parties (aggregators). Renewable resources’ variability, with increasing role in the energy mix, should be balanced with flexibility in the demand-side, storage and small-scale generation. For that, system operator needs new tools and markets, that help organize and remunerate these new services offered to the network and the power system.

The revision of MPGGS creates the grounds for new opportunities for active participation of consumers, generators and storage operators, taking advantage of new technologies and aligning with the energy transition goals.

The new rules affect more than the system operator and its platforms and IT systems, also involving current and future balancing service providers.

ERSE encourages all in actively participating in the public consultation, of strategy relevance to the power system evolution.

The public consultation is open for contributions until 13 February 2025.

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