ERSE hosts Seminar on “Prospects for the Design of the Electricity Market


ERSE – the Energy Services Regulatory Authority - will hold the Seminar “Prospects for the Design of the Electricity Market” on 26 January 2023.

Since mid-2021, and with greater intensity since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, energy markets have experienced a period of enormous instability and volatility in the midst of the energy transition process towards a more decarbonised sector.

In this context of high volatility and instability, emergency measures have been taken in particular to mitigate these effects, which the market design - heavily influenced by rules adopted under Community legislation - is unable to accommodate in a timely manner.

In parallel to this emergency approach, a broader debate is taking place on how the design of the electricity market should evolve to meet the challenges of the energy transition, in line with the completion of the internal energy market and minimising costs for European businesses and citizens.

As the Portuguese electricity market is strongly influenced by the rules governing the internal electricity market and in accordance with ERSE’s practice of promoting an informed discussion on the issues that condition the development of the regulated sectors, ERSE is organising this seminar dedicated to the discussion on the (re)design of the electricity market.

The initiative aims to promote a participatory debate on a highly topical issue of growing importance to Portuguese citizens and businesses, while at the same time enabling ERSE to strengthen the foundations of its involvement in this debate.

The same citizens and businesses will also be encouraged to participate more actively in the consultation processes launched by the European institutions.

The ERSE Seminar will take place from 9am to 1pm, in a hybrid format (onsite and online).

Click here to register.

Check out the Seminar Programme.

Click here to watch the live webcast of the event.