ERSE hosts MEDREG delegation


On 4 and 5 July, ERSE hosted a delegation from MEDREG - Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators - to discuss the topic “Exploring Energy Storage and Demand Management”. The visit, which focused on southern Mediterranean countries, was attended by representatives of CREG (Algeria), EgyptERA and GASREG (Egypt), MEMR and EMRC (Jordan), LCEC (Lebanon), ANRE (Morocco) and EMRA (Turkey).

As part of exchange of experience and good practice among its members, the initiative aimed to strengthen their technical and regulatory capacity, as a lever for the development of the respective regulations in the energy sector. In this context, MEDREG, in cooperation with its members and taking into account their urgent needs and requirements, identified the topic “energy storage and demand management” as a cornerstone for the correct development of networks, as well as for future legislation.

The study visit focused on the main questions and possible answers that characterise energy storage and demand-side management in the Portuguese national energy sector, focusing on the role of the regulator in their implementation and monitoring.

Topics included Portugal’s Plan to Promote Efficiency in Energy Consumption, self-consumption and demand-side management, as well as the role of renewable energy communities. The future challenges of energy storage and the role of electric vehicles as a response to this problem were also on the agenda.

MEDREG is a non-profit association of 27 regulators from countries in the Mediterranean region, which aims to promote the exchange of information and experience between the various energy bodies, in order to develop an energy community in the region.

The Chairman of ERSE, Pedro Verdelho, has chaired the Renewables Working Group of MEDREG - Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators - since November 2018.