Who is who?
- Distribution System Operator (DSO): the company that brings the gas to your home and owns the meter. It distributes natural gas through the branches, sections and pipes that make up the natural gas grid.
Check the list of distribution system operators.
- Supplier: the company with which you conclude the natural gas supply contract and whose prices are free. All terms and conditions of supply are agreed with the supplier.
Check the list of suppliers.
- Supplier of last resort (SoLR): a company that supplies natural gas to consumers not on the free market, applying prices fully determined by ERSE.
Check the list of suppliers of last resort (SoLR)
- Switching Logistics Operator (SLO): the body that deals with changes of supplier. This is currently the Agency for Energy (ADENE).
- Customer (consumer): the person to whom the natural gas supply service is provided.