What is included in the price

What is the price of energy?

Natural gas prices on the free market are negotiated between suppliers and their customers.

Consumers who do not yet have a supplier in the market continue to be supplied by the supplier of last resort (SoLR), with a transitional tariff set by ERSE.

Watch the video on how natural gas prices are calculated.


What is the difference between regulated tariffs and regulated prices?

Regulated tariffs include: tariffs for access to grids (charges for the use of the energy transmission and distribution grids, as well as for the overall use of the natural gas system, paid by all suppliers) and retail tariffs (applied only by suppliers of last resort).

Regulated prices are those charged for services provided directly by the distribution system operators, such as: connection to the grids, supply cut-of (interruption), resuming supply (restoration) and exceptional readings.


Do I have to pay the Grid Access Tariff?

Yes. The Grid Access Tariff corresponds to an amount set by ERSE, which includes the cost of the use of the transmission grid, the use of the distribution grids and the overall use of the natural gas system.


How much is the social tariff?

Customers eligible for the social tariff receive a discount on their invoice. You can check the social tariff discount using the social tariff discount calculator. The value of the discount is applied to the part of the price related to the grid access tariff (the same in the regulated market as in the free market), and, in 2025, it corresponds to a discount of 31.2% compared to the tariff for the sale of natural gas to end consumers (applied by suppliers of last resort). The social tariff consumer is exempt from paying the Tax on Natural Gas Petroleum Products (ISPGN).

The social tariff is allocated automatically. If you have any questions about the allocation, please contact the DGEG.

For consumers who are still on the regulated market (supplier of last resort), the social tariff is fully set by ERSE.

You can find out more about the social tariff for natural gas in the Information Leaflet.