
The gas sector Tariff Regulation Code, approved by ERSE, define the allowed revenues of the regulated companies of the natural gas sector to be recovered by the gas tariffs, the tariff structure, the procedures for setting, modifying and displaying the tariffs, and also the obligations and procedures for providing information to ERSE.

In the tariff process, ERSE annually computes the allowed revenues and the revenues to be recovered by applying the tariffs, for the various regulated activities. The allowed revenues of the regulated companies reflect the necessary resources for the economically efficient performance of the activities they perform. Allowed revenues may also reflect revenues to be recovered by regulated companies through the application of regulated tariffs, which must be transferred to other companies that do not apply those tariffs.

These allowed revenues, set by ERSE, seek to encourage companies to perform their activities efficiently, that is, to optimize the quality of services provided in the medium and long term, at the lowest cost to consumers, thus ensuring the economic sustainability of these activities. Faced with various circumstances, arising from the legislative and regulatory framework, the values of the income allowed to each operator are not always recovered in the course of their activity, but rather by other operators within the scope of the activities they carry out.

These incomes are then passed on by the operators who have recovered them by applying their tariff to the operators to whom they are due. Thus, the income to be recovered from an activity is either by application of its tariff or by transfer from an external entity. In turn, allowed income is the income attributed to a particular activity, recovered through the application of its tariffs or resulting from transfers between companies.

The tariffs for each activity are determined so that its structure is, on the one hand, adherent to the marginal or incremental cost structure and, on the other hand, that the allowed revenues in each activity are recovered.

Additional rules and methodologies, applicable for the purpose of regulation and approval of the accounts of regulated companies, approved by ERSE, can be found in other rules above.

The current Tariff Regulation Code for the gas sector was approved by Regulation No. 825/2023, on July 28. The previous ones can be consulted in ERSE`s Regulatory Acts.

Consolidated version

Other legal instruments

Additional rules to the Natural Gas Sector Tariff Regulations for the purpose of reporting accounting and financial information:

  • Reception, Storage and Regasification LNG Activity – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be filled in by REN Atlântico with financial and accounting information, in order to define the allowed revenue.

  • Natural Gas Transmission and Technical and Global Management of the National Natural Gas System (SNGN) – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be completed by REN Gasodutos with financial and accounting information, in order to define the allowed revenues.

  • Underground Natural Gas Storage Activity – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be filled in by REN Armazenagem with financial and accounting information to define the allowed revenue.

  • Natural gas distributors activity – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be filled in by the natural gas distribution system operators with financial and accounting information to define the allowed revenues.

  • Suppliers of last resort retailers activity (CURr) – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be filled in by suppliers of last resort retailers with financial and accounting information, in order to define the allowed revenue.

  • Natural gas distributors and suppliers of last resort retailers activity (only for companies with accounting unbundling obligations) – Real e forecast standard

Excel files to be filled in by distributors and natural gas suppliers of last resort, which are only separated in accounting terms, with financial and accounting information, to define the allowed revenues.

  •  Wholesaler of last resort activity (CURg) – Norma real e forecast

Excel files to be filled in by the wholesaler of last resort (CURg) with financial and accounting information, in order to define the allowed revenues.

Excel files to be filled in by the OLMC with financial and accounting information to define the allowed revenues.