
DSO have been installing electricity smart meters in the mainland and in Madeira region. Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January, orders the integration in a smart grid of every BTN customer in the mainland Portugal, by 2024. Their integration in a smart grid allows customers to access a set of new advanced services.

Smart grid infrastructure includes not only the smart meters but also ICT and data management systems. Only with all these elements, it is possible to offer smart grid services to the end-user.

ERSE approved the Smart Grid Services Code (RSRI) for electricity distribution, which designed the services to be offered by network operators and suppliers to users integrated in a smart grid. The new smart grid services include, for instance:

  • Daily remote meter reading and availability, in an electronic platform, of the detailed 15 minute demand and generation data
  • Bills based on actual consumption, without estimates
  • Possibility to access the meter locally, with close to real time data available
  • Possibility to remotely change the contracted power and access other services, without having to be present at your facilities and with shorter scheduling times
  • Alerts for consumption level and usage of contracted power

DSO who offer smart grid services to users are awarded with an incentive. The incentive ensures the sharing of costs and benefits with consumers, based on the actual availability of the services.

RSRI was approved by Regulation no. 817/2023, of 27 July, following Public Consultation no 113. The previous versions can be consulted at ERSE's Normative Acts.

Smart Grid Services Code – only available in Portuguese

Smart Grids Implementation

At the end of 2023, 86% of low voltage installations in mainland Portugal had a smart meter (i.e., 5.5 million). Of these, around 4.7 million were integrated in a smart grid, accessing the services provided for in the Code, such as the daily remote collection of readings and load diagrams, the provision of data on the network operator's platform, the provision of various services remotely or billing without estimates.

The pace of meter installation is in line with the timetable approved by the Government in 2022, and it is expected that, by the end of 2024, all low voltage customers in mainland Portugal will have access to a smart meter.

In relation to the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, and according to the forecasts of the respective network operators, the installation and integration process should be completed, in the case of the Azores, in 2028 and in the case of Madeira, in 2025.


Smart grid key performance indicators

As provided for in Decree-Law No. 15/2022, of January 14, and in the Networks Operation Code (ROR), ERSE approved the electricity smart grids key performance indicators (Directive no. 19/2024, of August 19), following proposals presented by network operators and a public consultation procedure.

The approved indicators are grouped in 10 dimensions: network planning, observability and controllability, asset management and power losses, quality of service, system and flexibility services, coordination between operators, new actors in the power system, provision of information to grid users, cybersecurity and economic efficiency.

Smart grids have become a pillar of the energy transition and these key indicators will make it possible to assess their performance, contributing to the adoption of measures (political, regulatory, operational) that guarantee or accelerate the achievement of the desired results with the development of these grids.

Electricity transmission and distribution network operators in mainland Portugal and the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira are responsible for reporting these indicators, by May 15th of each year, with reference to the previous year.



The Smart Grid Services' Code for electricity distribution includes a pilot-project framework. Pilot-projects have to meet the following:

  • They can be submitted by low voltage DSO to ERSE.
  • They are approved by ERSE and the decision shall be published.
  • They are monitored by ERSE and public disclosure of the results is mandatory.

ERSE approved the pilot-project for technical quality of service data usage in smart meters, whose promotor is E-REDES – Energia, S.A.