
The Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January, provides the framework for the he Access to Networks and Interconnections Code (RARI), which is approved by ERSE, and covers the following matters:

  • Access Rules to networks and interconnections
  • Network access models definition, namely firm access and access with restrictions
  • The conditions under which access is granted or restricted
  • Network use agreements
  • The remuneration to which entities are entitled for providing access to their networks
  • Network operators’ transparency obligations, namely information to be provided about their network
  • Planning new network infrastructure investments and implementing cost-benefit analysis
  • Adjustment for losses
  • The conditions for using interconnections
  • Interconnection capacity Calculation, allocation and management

RARI was approved by Regulation no. 818/2023, of 27 July, following Public Consultation no 113. The previous versions can be consulted at ERSE's Normative Acts.

Access to Networks and Interconnections Code – only available in Portuguese

Other legal instruments

  • Complementary rules for the provision of information to ERSE by electricity network operators: Directive No. 2/2016, of 8 January
  • Methodologies for construction of power loss profiles for the electricity transmission and distribution networks:
    • On 13 December 2023 ERSE approved the methodologies for construction of power loss profiles for the electricity transmission (Directive No. 4/2024, of 16 January, rectified by the Rectification Statement No. 100/2024, of 7 February) and distribution networks (Directive No. 7/2024, of 16 January, rectified by the Rectification Statement No. 112/2024, of 8 February).
  • Loss profiles in VHV, HV, MV and LV:
  • Contracts for the Use of Networks
    • General Conditions of Contracts for the Use of Networks entered into with suppliers in the market regime or customers with market agent status: Order no. 18899/2010, of 21 December
    • General Conditions of Network Use Contracts entered into with producers under the ordinary regime or with the Supplier of Last Resort, in relation to producers under special regime: Directive No. 5/2012, of 30 January
  • Flexible Connection Agreements
    • The Flexible Connection Agreements General Conditions were approved on Februray 6th (Directive No. 3/2025), for producers or storage facilities, and establish a standard model for the relationship between producers or storage facilities and system operators, in particular with regard to their responsibilities, rights and obligations.
  • Joint Management Mechanism of the Portugal-Spain Interconnection
    • The Procedures Manual for the Joint Management Mechanism of the Portugal-Spain Interconnection (MPIPE) contains the principles and processes to be observed in the scope of matters associated with the harmonized allocation of rights of use of capacity in the Portugal-Spain interconnection from 1 January 2014. The current MPIPE was approved by Directive No. 10/2018, of 10 July, amended by Directive No. 1/2019, of 7 January.
  • Methodologies for calculating the interconnection capacity available for commercial purposes on the long-term timeframe and Rules for its splitting within SWE
    • On 10 March 2020 ERSE approved the Methodologies for calculating the interconnection capacity available for commercial purposes on the long-term timeframe and Rules for its splitting within SWE proposed by the TSOs of the South West Europe (SWE) Region in accordance with Articles 10 and 16 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1719.
    • The national energy regulators of the SWE, after technical assessment of the TSOs' proposals, decided to agree unanimously, on 28 February 2020, the terms of the approvals of the calculation and its split taken through the respective national decisions.
  • Methodology for calculating the interconnection capacity available for commercial purposes in the daily and intraday timeframes
    • On 1 February 2022, ERSE approved the amendment to the methodology for calculating the interconnection capacity available for commercial purposes on the daily and intraday timeframes proposed by the TSOs of the Southwest Europe Region (SWE) in accordance with article 21 of the Regulation (EU) 2015/1222.
    • The national energy regulators of the SWE, after technical evaluation of the TSOs' proposal, decided to unanimously agree, on 18 January 2022, the terms of approval taken through the respective national decisions.
  • Methodology for cross-zonal capacity calculation within the balancing timeframe
    • On 27 June 2023, ERSE approved the methodology for cross-zonal capacity calculation within the balancing timeframe for the exchange of balancing energy or for operating the imbalance netting process in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017.
    • The national energy regulators of the SWE, after technical evaluation of the TSOs' proposal, decided to unanimously agree, on 12 June 2023, the terms of approval taken through the respective national decisions.
  • Report on the analysis of Portugal-Spain interconnection capacity and monitoring of compliance with the minimum level of margin available capacity for cross-zonal trade (MACZT)
    • This report intends to, on the one hand, assess the evolution and the current status of the interconnection capacity between Portugal and Spain and, on the other hand, assess the degree of compliance with the minimum level of margin available for cross-zonal trade (MACZT), pursuant to Article 16(8) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, and the fulfilment of the objectives established in the derogation request approved.

      The annual reports and the ERSE decisions on the derogation requests are available here.