Codes and regulations
ERSE has the power to draw up and approve regulations as required for the performance of its tasks, that are intended to implement legislation governing the organization and operation of sectors that are subject to regulation for which this Authority is responsible.
Accordingly, the diplomas that establish the general principles of the organization and functioning of Sistema Nacional de Gás — SNG - the national gas system (article 121.º Decree-Law n.º 62/2020, of 28 August), of Sistema Elétrico Nacional — SEN - the national electric system (article 206.º of Decree-Law n.º 15/2022, of 14 January) of Sistema Petrolífero Nacional — SPN - the National Petroleum System (articles 20, paragraph 3, 23-A, paragraph 3, 24, paragraph 3, 24-A paragraph 3, 24-B, paragraph 2, 24-C, paragraph 3 of Decree-Law n.º 31/2006, of 15 February, in the wording of Decree-Law n.º 244/2015, of 19 October, and article 7 of Decree-Law n.º 69/2018, of 27 August) and of the electric mobility (article 54 of Decree-Law n.º39/2010, of 26 April) assigns regulatory competence to ERSE.
Equal competence results from articles 9 and 10 of the Statutes of the Entity.
Currently ERSE has approved the following regulations:
- Within the scope of the National Electric System (SEN):
- Regulation on Access to Networks and Interconnections (Acesso às Redes e às Interligações)
- Regulation on Trade Relations (Relações Comerciais)
- Tariffs Regulation (Tarifário)
- Regulation on Quality of Service (Qualidade de Serviço)
- Regulation on Network Operations (Operação das Redes)
- Regulation on Smart Grids (Redes Inteligentes)
- Regulation of Electric Energy Self-Consumption
- Under the National Gas System (SNG):
- Regulation on Access to Networks, Infrastructures and Interconnections (Acesso às Redes, às Infraestruturas e às Interligações)
- Regulation on Trade Relations (Relações Comerciais)
- Tariffs Regulation (Tarifário)
- Regulation on Quality of Service (Qualidade de Serviço)
- Regulation on Infrastructure Operation (Operação das Infraestruturas)
- Within the National Petroleum System (SPN)
- Regulation on storage, collection and exchange of LPG bottles (Troca de garrafas)
- Regulation on the information obligation of the LPG and consumer derived fuel trader (Dever de informação ao consumidor)
- In the context of electric mobility
- Regulation on the management of the electric mobility network operations (Gestão da mobilidade elétrica)
ERSE regulations result from a public consultation process. All documents supporting the public consultation (the proposal, the opinions of the ERSE Advisory Councils, the comments received and the reasoned ERSE response to them) can be consulted on the public consultation page.
ERSE regulations containing external effectiveness standards are published in the 2nd series of the Diário da República and must be made available on its website.