Electric mobility tariffs


ERSE approves the tariffs for the activity of the Electric Mobility Network Management Entity, MOBI.E, for 2025, by means of ERSE´s Directive n.º 1/2025, 9 of January, published in Diário da República.

The decision is based on the document "EGME Tariffs and Revenues 2025", which analyses in detail the regulated activity's permitted revenues, demand and tariff structure. Also available is the Tariff Council's Opinion on ERSE's proposal for tariffs and revenues, and the document with ERSE's analysis and comments on the aforementioned Opinion.

How electric mobility prices are calculated

Electric vehicle users are free to choose their electric mobility supplier(s) (CEME – Comercializadores de energia para a mobilidade elétrica).

They can also use any charging points belonging to the electric mobility public network. The charging points are owned and runned by charging points operators (OPC – Operadores de pontos de carregamento).

The electric vehicle user (UVE – Utilizador de veículo elétrico) only engages with the electric mobility supplier, to whom he pays all the costs of the electricity and the charging service.

Energy and financial flows, in the public electric mobility network, are managed by Electric Mobility Network Managing Entity (EGME – Entidade Gestora da Rede de Mobilidade Elétrica).

The total amount invoiced by an electric mobility supplier to the electric vehicle user has several components, as follows:

  • Electric mobility supplier component - refers to the energy supplied for charging the electric vehicle, which includes: the price of energy and the CEME’s fee, the network access tariffs for electric mobility, and the EGME tariff applicable to CEMEs. 
  • Charging points operators component - includes the use of the charging points, and the EGME tariff applicable to OPCs.
  • Taxes and levies component – namely, the special tax on electricity consumption (IEC – Imposto especial de consumo sobre a eletricidade) and the value added tax (VAT), if applicable.


The following scheme shows the structure of the final price paid by an UVE for charging the electric vehicle on the Electric Mobility Network: