ERSE launches interactive portal on technical quality of service in Portugal's electricity sector
Have you ever wondered how often the electricity supply fails in your region and how long it takes to be restored? ERSE now has an interactive tool available on its website that allows any citizen to explore data on the technical quality of service in Portugal.
This portal provides information on continuity of supply, i.e. data on the number and average annual duration of interruptions throughout the country. Users can consult information by different types of regional divisions, namely territorial units for level I and III statistical purposes (NUTS I and NUTS III), by municipality or even by specific infrastructures, such as substations and transformer stations.
In addition to continuity of supply, the assessment of the performance of electricity network operators in terms of technical quality of service also focuses on monitoring the power quality.
This ERSE initiative is part of the strategy of protecting and increasingly empowering consumers and involving stakeholders.
The release of this dynamic tool for presenting information on technical quality of service will allow easier access to information, increasing the availability for more cross-cutting analyses of the phenomena described and for more in-depth use of the available data, improving regulatory quality.
Check out the interactive portal and find out how the technical quality of service is in your region!