ERSE approves the reference price methodology for the gas transmission network use tariff


Following Public Consultation no. 117, ERSE - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (Energy Services Regulatory Authority) has approved the reference price methodology for the gas transmission network use tariffs, within the framework of the European network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas.

The motivated decision, which is now approved, represents continuity with the previous motivated decision of 2019, and will take effect as of gas year 2024‑2025, which begins in October 2024.

The decision maintains the current reference price methodology, although it is subject to the updating of parameters that affect the tariff structure. Since the decision on tariffs for gas year 2024‑2025 will only be approved by ERSE at the end of May 2024, the information presented in this report on the reference prices for gas year 2024‑2025 is indicative and serves to illustrate the results of the approved methodology.

Public Consultation no. 117, which took place between 4 October and 4 December 2023, is part of a periodic consultation process which, under European rules, must take place at least every five years. These public consultations should also take place, as far as possible, in English, to enable the participation of agents from other Member States, particularly neighbouring countries, since the transmission tariffs applied at interconnection points have supranational impacts.

The publication in English also allows for scrutiny by ACER - the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, which issued its analysis report on ERSE's consultation on 2 February 2024. In the analysis report, ACER positively assessed the information provided and the detail of the analysis, indicating that ERSE's consultation represents a good practice that can serve as an example for other regulators and transmission system operators in their consultation processes.

Link to reference price methodology